This is a collection of robotics projects I’ve done since I started studying engineering. Some are projects done for various classes, while others are research related. Click the links for detailed descriptions of each project, where I include photos, videos, etc. Any publications are mentioned on individual project pages, as well as on the Publications page.
Collaborative Swimming Using Modboats (2021-PRESENT)
While our single-motor Modboats are capable swimmers on their own, their true potential comes out when they collaborate as a modular system. I’m developing control techniques to drive arbitrary lattices of Modboats as single units without accidentally undocking them.
Modboats (2018-Present)
A low-cost, single-actuator swimming robot capable of swarming and modular self-reconfiguring behavior. I’m developing this system from the ground up as a low-cost version of conventional aquatic robots, but with a completely unique mode of propulsion. I’ve shown that this robot can perform comparably to much more complex systems.
PATH PLanning for Lynx Manipulator (2019)
An implementation of multiple path planners - A*, RRT, and potential fields - in simulation for a 5-DOF manipulator arm as part of a Teaching Assistantship for the University of Pennsylvania “Introduction to Robotics” course.
Quadrotor Path and Trajectory planning (2019)
I used A* and Dijkstra’s algorithm to plan obstacle-free paths for a quadrotor. Cubic polynomials and ray-tracing are then used to create smooth trajectories that improve on the Dijkstra paths and are dynamically feasible, allowing the quadrotor to reach its destination quickly and without collisions.
Optimal Control of Chaplygin Beanie (2018)
SNOPT is used to explore optimal control of the Chaplygin Beanie, an underactuated non-holonomic system consisting of a rotor mounted on a cart with a knife-edge constraint. The result is an unusual and non-intuitive motion strategy.
Battlebot (2017)
I designed, developed, built and operated a remote-controlled battle-bot for a “multiplayer online battle arena” style competition, involving two teams of robots trying to capture the other team’s base by dealing damage to it and the other robots.
Potential Field Swarms (2017)
I explored using potential fields to induce flocking behavior in swarms of holonomic robotic boids. Do swarms of individuals following flocking rules navigate obstacles better or worse than individuals?
Miscellaneous Mechatronics projects (2017)
I’ve built a number of intriguing quick mechatronics projects over the years and continue to do so. Find some details on this project page.
BRIDGebots (2016-2017)
A magnetic wheeled climbing robot designed for inspection of steel-girder bridges. Passively compliant legs allow this robot to make plane transitions and navigate the complex understructures of bridges. It can reach hard to observe locations and provide valuable information, aiding in the maintenance of our aging bridge infrastructure
Foxbot (2017)
A quadruped robot powered by an Arduino Uno and 8 servo motors, and loosely inspired by a red fox. This project attempted to create a robot that could travel 30 body lengths while staying within a track 2 body lengths wide, but struggled due to its open-loop nature and the complexity of legged locomotion.
Hovercraft (2014)
I developed an autonomous hovercraft capable of line-following behavior and payload delivery under varying lighting conditions. This project was part of the Introduction to Engineering course that started my undergraduate education in Mechanical Engineering.